
The Economy Dilatometer series L76 was developed to be used for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) measurements in ceramics industries, like Brick and Tile industry, Porcelain industries and industries manufacturing building materials. It is widely used for quality control purposes in ceramics and in metal industries.


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The instrument covers a wide temperature range from RT up to 1600°C with different furnaces. It consists of measurement systems made out of quartz glass (up to 1000°C) and Al2O3 up to 1600°C. The sensor is a highest precision LVDT (linear variable differential transformer). This sensor has an indefinite resolution. The analog signal coming from the LVDT sensor is A / D converted in an especially developed controller / data acquisition PCI card. The PCI card fits into most standard computers using Microsoft ® operating systems.

Together with the 32 Bit software package WIN-TA / WIN-DIL, the Dilatometer provides an excellent solution for standard quality control type CTE measurements.

The following physical properties can be measured:

CTE, Linear Thermal Expansion, Alpha Physical, Sintering Temperature, Phase Transformations, Softening Points, Decomposition Temperatures, Glass Transition Temperatures.

The Research Dilatometer series L75 was developed to meet the demands of the research laboratories worldwide including ceramics and steel industry applications. This line of Dilatometers is capable of measurements under vacuum, oxidizing and reducing atmospheres (except 2000°C graphite furnace). This series has built in an automatic pressure control with digital display. Sample pressure is very important, to accurately measure the CTE values under different pressure conditions.

A special rate controlled sintering software L75/RCS was developed to measure the Sintering behaviour.

The following physical properties can be measured:

CTE, Linear Thermal Expansion, Alpha Physical, Sintering Temperature, Phase Transformations, Softening Points, Decomposition Temperatures, Glass Transition Temperatures.